Can you believe it's been 3 weeks?? I can't believe it's already September 26th. Crazy!
This week we continued working on colours and classroom objects. I've been reading my "dans ma salle de classe" book every day. I have them repeat each page after me, and we count each object together to practice counting #1-10.
I started having my students try "bug in a rug" in small groups as a "j'ai fini" choice. We set a maximum of 4 students for any game of "bug in a rug" or "bang" to try to keep the noise levels down :)
I also finished laminating and hole punching my word wall strip cards. I've hung them on hooks on the wall so students can grab them for word work. Here are some students practicing writing them on mini whiteboards:
Here's a picture of my "j'ai fini" board! I used some electrical tape to separate the choices so they focus on the fact that they need to make sure their unfinished folder is empty before they move on to the other activities.
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