Weather and seasonal changes

This week in grade 1 we talked about the changes that we see in the fall. We brainstormed in small groups and shared our thoughts as a whole class. Then we sorted images together! We will be using the images from the sort as discussion prompts as well. There is so much to do with them!

We practiced our weekly poem "C'est l'automne". 

We continued to practice our weather vocabulary! We played a fly swatter game all together. I said the weather (e.g. "il fait du soleil") and then the first student to swat the correct image got another turn. The other student passed their fly swatter along to the next person. They thought it was so fun, especially the boys! After we have practiced it well, it will turn into a Daily 5 centre that they can play in small groups.

I also added this matching game to our Daily 5 word work centres. 

What did you do with your students this week? I'd love to hear about it! 

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